Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes we can

If you missed the presidential speech by obama today, you have my condolences.
It is 12:20 am wednesday november 2008. I am not in bed because i did not want to miss watching history happening. 
Obama, the elected president 08. yes we can. yes we can. yes we can.
He is, in a word, magnificent. Superb. Breathtaking. Dazzling. Brilliant. Stunning. Impossibly articulate. Deftly funny.
Okay. That's ten words. 
Mccain, palin and all there crappy ideas, he blowed them away. Blowed them away. Like an ostrich racing with some mindless, blind hens. 
He is presidential without trying. He has so much genuine class he didn't have to create any phony storefront. 
I am in awe of his composure, his poise and his extreme intelligence. 
He is perfect. A perfect genius.
I always found him appealing before, it's not like I am exaggerating about him now that he is the president. 
Of all the reasons above, I love him most for that killer smile. 


Monday, November 3, 2008

First Leaf

This marigold seedling picture was taken in my garden(by garden i mean 4 small containers in my patio) this spring, it did not live to flower though(which is a whole different story). I dreamed of decorating my front door with marigold garland but SIGH. Since my blog is new,and this is my first post I thought it would be appropriate to post this picture.
Here on this page, I want to document my life. why u ask ? 
It hurts me of my impermanence, at the passing of time. At the edge of all my joy is the creeping agony that it will pass.... no one will know what has passed through me, and even amazing, I don't know myself.
I will be interested to see how the feeding and watering of this blog  affects my life. 
So off to the garden for me-- but I will be coming back with dirt in my pockets( Shawshank Redemption)--I've started my tunnel to freedom and I'm digging everyday.